
Showing posts from July, 2024

Review of an Independent Video Game Company: Game Grumps

Game Grumps   Origins  - Game Grumps was, and still is an Online Internet Show. They were founded in 2012 by Arin Hanson/Egoraptor and Jon Jafari/JonTron and release on the platform Youtube, which is known for it's confusing business structure and is an extremely hit-or-miss American online sharing platform. But Game Grumps is a hit (for me at least), and have expanded from their normal business model of releasing comedy shows to independently developing and producing video games in 2017, June 13th. With the release of their first game "Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator." Since conception the team size have been small, no more than 20 employees really at a time (it's subjective, since I'm not sure of the min/max workforce). The main benefits of keeping a team small like this in any independent company, is the ease of team management, given the intensive hierarchy chain of command needed for teams over the 100's. And with the community of other youtubers, ent

Review of a AAA Video Game Company: Gearbox Software

Gearbox Software     Origins - In 1999 Gearbox Software was created as an independent American video game company. The founders include: Randy Pitchford, Brian Martel, Stephan Bahl, Landon Montgomery, Rob Heironimus. The current headquarters is located in Frisco, Texas, US. Going through multiple transitions throughout the years, Gearbox Software eventually established a parent company named "Gearbox Entertainment" which had full control over the subsidiaries, and was in fact a AAA company, I chose to review Gearbox Software, given how it was what started the company in the first place and is still a developing subsidiary company for Gearbox Entertainment.   Business Model  - Gearbox Software was initially made to port games from "Valve" to consoles. This is important for gaining experience but also building bridges with other developers; if of course the agreed upon job was completed sufficiently. Later after developing multiple games for bigger video game compani

My Preferred Game Dev Career

Everett Wallace's Idealistic Career Path Introduction: I have always been drawn to games, not just video games but ludology as a whole. Fun experiences with intuitive modes for play is my schema for life; its not just a game to me  (that phrase is silly).   Play is an amazing way to scaffold skills and is a humongous motivator for many.  Games are essential to living a fulfilling life and the iterations of them have evolved as we, as a species have. Video games are the next stage for games and can be the ultimate expressions of creativity and mechanical prowess, to create an engaging player experience. Yet I still appreciate other forms of games like sports. That rush I feel when playing football (world football, not American) cannot be simulated, but requires a player's athletic skills. I also enjoy the intelligence and adherence to rules needed to play board games. Which I have been making since I was 8. Making systems of logic from my own mind and inspirations from works I p